About Magic Shields Floor
MetaMaterial Design
“MAGIC SHIELDS FLOOR”, anti fall fractures product, has achieved an impossible characteristic with its unique structure.
Combining hardness for easy walking and softness prevent fall fractures only when falling.
Soft When You Fall.
“MAGIC SHIELDS FLOOR” is hard to the touch and maintains high walking stability. The shock-absorbing capacity of “SHINOBI FLOOR” has been tested by the Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering, and it has been proven that it can soften the impact of a fall to about half that of wood flooring. The impact of a fall on “SHINOBI FLOOR” is less than the load of a femur fracture (221kgf) reported in medical literature.
Firm When You Walk on it,
⁄CASE 01
We are just getting prepared.
Living & Dining rooms
We are just getting prepared.